Giving My WRT54GL a 2G Drive

The WRT54GL is a pretty cool little toy. Yes it is a router with a cheezy web interface for grandmas with ESSID’s named “linksys”. But you can flash it with your own linux and solder in your own SD card to turn it from a 4MB machine to a 2GB machine… far out! Above it the bare board that I’ve unscrewed out of the thing. Some solder + a card…..

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My Home-Made Laptop Security Program

The NetworkManager program in linux has a create feature called a dispatcher, which can run arbitrary programs when certian things about the network change. For instance it can turn on a firewall or notify a user when the network comes up, or start up an arp alert program! I wanted a program that would alert me of my laptop’s where-a-bouts, as well as use the webcam to take a picture, in order to aid me in tracking it down if it got stolen.

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Boom-Boom Classes?

I was talking with my girlfriend recently, and I told her that her “RA Class” (RA is short for resident assistant, someone who lives on campus to assist other residents) is a “Boom Boom” class. She is from Niceville and had never heard of the term. I knew it as a slang term for a low level class that required no effort, taken simply for credit. In an effort to locate some sort of source for my definition besides anecdotes of the people I knew, I was only able to find other personal references (myspace, facebook) coincidentally from people in Tampa.

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New/Old Laptop: Ubuntu Montage

You may remember my old laptop from such posts as this. Well it broke, so I bought another one! It even has the original stickers. But.. Its slower than I remember. So I’m trying out different Ubuntu versions to see what boots the fastest. Here are my methodology and results. Methodology: The first number is the ammount of seconds from the 0 in the grub countdown till the X in the initial X-server.

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Its a Wiki-Wiki-World

You may not know, but I used to work for Wikipedia! (here if you don’t believe me) You also may not know that all Wikimedia Foundation projects (like Wikipedia) run off of a opensource piece of software called Mediawiki. The software is the bomb, and I’ve had my own for a number of years to keep track of my own project documentation (like a notebook.) But I’ve never made it public.

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n2n - Peer to peer VPN?

Most vpns… in fact… all of them, are based on a client/server model. This means that all vpn clients call home to one vpn server and connect. All traffic goes through that vpn server and then gets passed on to its original destination. But what if you could have the benefits of VPN, but be able to communicate directly to other VPN peers, so without the latency and bandwidth limitations?

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Ettercap's Author's Birthday!

Today is the Birthday of AloR, the author of the amazing tool, ettercap. You can see that because it is his birthday, he asks that you email him. I happily obliged. Ettercap is an amazing tool. Not only does it have a console, curses, and graphical versions, it can be scripted, hacked, used with plugins, and the list goes on. Here is a screen shot of it in progress: Here is the everyday use senario:

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PAP Solutions Hack

My girlfirend likes to do these puzzles called Pic-A-Pix from ConceptisPuzzles. They use a matrix of numbers to hint the puzzler to to filling in pixels to create pixel art. Sometimes there is color. Every week four new PAP’s are pushed out, and I’ve been told that the answers are somewhere on the website…. but that would be cheating. :) So I wrote my own program to decode these and make images using html tables.

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