Getting Started Puppet Acceptance Tests With Beaker

Beaker is a test framework created by Puppetlabs to run tests against puppet modules on real servers (vm, containers whatever) and test that they do what they say they should do.

This is a quick tutorial on how to use this framework. At the time of this writing, Beaker is under heavy development, so this could all change.

The Gem

The first thing you need to do is install beaker. Usually this is as simple as adding it to your Gemfile and running bundle install.

gem 'beaker'
gem 'beaker-rspec'

I recommend using grethr’s puppet module skeleton Gemfile , which includes Beaker already.

Now install it:

bundle install

Acceptance Boilerplate

Rspec and the Puppetlabs Helper

This tutorial assumes you already have the puppetlabs_spec_helper installed, rake, rspec, etc.

Folder For Tests

You need a place to put acceptance tests. They must go in


See puppetlabs-mysql for an example of what it looks like.


You must have at least a default.yml in the nodesets folder inside your acceptance folder. Here is an example:

# consul/spec/acceptance/nodesets/default.yml
    platform: ubuntu-12.04-x64
    image: solarkennedy/ubuntu-12.04-puppet
    hypervisor: docker
  type: foss

You can have different yaml files for different platforms you wish to test against. The format is described in the Beaker wiki

Note: I use my own docker files for speed, as they come preinstalled with the the Beaker Host Requirements

Warning: If you use docker, you cannot test service things because there is no init running inside the container. For comprehensive testing against things like services, firewalls, etc, you must use a true hypervisor with Vagrant.

Acceptance Spec Helper

# consul/spec/spec_helper_acceptance.rb
require 'beaker-rspec'

# Not needed for this example as our docker files have puppet installed already
#hosts.each do |host|
#  # Install Puppet #  install_puppet

RSpec.configure do |c|
  # Project root
  proj_root = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..'))

  # Readable test descriptions
  c.formatter = :documentation

  # Configure all nodes in nodeset
  c.before :suite do
    # Install module and dependencies
    puppet_module_install(:source => proj_root, :module_name => 'consul')
    hosts.each do |host|
      # Needed for the consul module to download the binary per the modulefile
      on host, puppet('module', 'install', 'puppetlabs-stdlib'), { :acceptable_exit_codes => [0,1] }
      on host, puppet('module', 'install', 'nanliu/staging'), { :acceptable_exit_codes => [0,1] }

The spec helper does the tasks needed in order to prepare your SUT (system under test). This might include installing puppet, installing your puppet module dependencies, etc.

Example Acceptance Test

# module_root/spec/acceptance/standard_spec.rb
require 'spec_helper_acceptance'

describe 'consul class' do

  context 'default parameters' do
    # Using puppet_apply as a helper
    it 'should work with no errors based on the example' do
      pp = <<-EOS
        file { '/opt/consul/':
          ensure => 'directory',
          owner  => 'consul',
          group  => 'root',
        } ->
        class { 'consul':
          config_hash => {
              'datacenter' => 'east-aws',
              'data_dir'   => '/opt/consul',
              'log_level'  => 'INFO',
              'node_name'  => 'foobar',
              'server'     => true

      # Run it twice and test for idempotency
      expect(apply_manifest(pp).exit_code).to_not eq(1)
      expect(apply_manifest(pp).exit_code).to eq(0)

    describe service('consul') do
      it { should be_enabled }

    describe command('consul version') do
      it { should return_stdout /Consul v0\.2\.0/ }


The filename is important, it must end in _spec.rb in order for the test harness to detect it. You can see that there are many matchers you can use to run pretty much any kind of test you can think of.

See the puppetlabs-mysql collection again for some great examples.

Running Them

bundle exec rake acceptance

This command will spin up your described servers in nodesets, install your puppet modules and dependencies, and test your assertions.


Acceptance tests should be used sparingly, they are the top of the testing testing pyramid.

They are slow, touch the disks and network, and depend on external resources. The example mysql acceptance tests literally install mysql, install and configure databases, and assert that they exist.

They will may be slow, but they can be very helpful, and potentially the only way to really test functionality of a puppet module in an end-to-end way.

Puppet is a system configuration management tool. Unit tests can only go so far to make sure the compiled catalog is “correct”. Puppet acceptance tests can help you go 100% and ensure that your module literally does what it says it does by running tests against actual systems, files, packages, and services.

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